5 Underrated Books That I Loved

Welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday! This weekly feature is created & hosted by all the lovely people of The Broke and the Bookish.

This week’s theme: Ten Underrated/Hidden Gem Books I’ve Read In The Past Year Or So

So, uh, I really tried to find ten books for this week’s prompt but surprise, surprise, a lot of books that fly under the radar really aren’t that great (the ones I’ve read, at least) and also I’ve just been reading a lot of popular books lately.

But I managed to find 5 books all under 2,000 ratings that I absolutely adore and would recommend to everyone:


Okay, I admit, this book’s love interest is, like, the definition of a manic pixie dream girl (I mean, just look at the cover), but it’s so original and interesting and there’s this suspense throughout the entire book which made me unable to put it down.


I may be cheating because I read this a couple years ago, but I will take any chance I get to recommend any of Jaclyn Moriarty’s books. This is about a young girl who discovers an old spell book and starts experimenting with it, and what could go wrong, right? (A lot. A lot could go wrong)


If this book could only be described in two words, they would be: wild ride. There were so many plot twists and I was constantly on the edge of my seat. And there’s a really weird part to this book, but once you get used to it (or if you can get used to it), it’s a really great book that also deals with some important issues.


This book has less than 300 reviews?? How?? This was one of the cutest contemporaries I have read in a while, with a diverse cast of characters AND, might I add, a pretty swoon-worthy love interest. Also: it’s told in an interview format. Shameless self promotion, but I also have a review right here.


Alright, so this isn’t exactly ‘underrated’, since it just came out in October, but I absolutely loved it and need people to read it. This book was in my top 10 of 2016- I loved every single character and the writing style was great and I could gush about this for a long time and oh look, here‘s my review, how convenient.

That’s my top ten five underrated books! If anything, this post had made me realize I need to read more lesser-known books. I’ll definitely be checking out a lot of top ten tuesday posts this week. Did you guys read any of the books on my list? Have I persuaded you at all? Have any hidden gems that you think I should read? Let me know!

14 thoughts on “5 Underrated Books That I Loved

  1. I initially wanted to read Thanks for the Trouble, but the whole Twitter drama with Tommy Wallach turned me off his works so completely, I don’t think I’ll end up picking it up. :/

    This Adventure Ends though! I still have that on my TBR. One day, maybe.

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  2. AH. I keep forgetting about It’s Not Me, It’s You, which I super wanted to read in 2016. I can’t believe it only has 300 reviews, though, as you said! Great post, and I will definitely be hurrying to go pick it up because your recommendation made me excited about it again.

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